GFWC Bitterroot Woman's Club

GFWC Bitterroot Woman's Club
2025 Scholarship Applications
GFWC Bitterroot Woman's Club offers a $1000 scholarship to a deserving graduate from a Ravalli County Public High School. Scholarships are given in the names of past GFWC Bitterroot Woman's Club Members. Complete and return this application to your high school guidance counselor by no later than March 13, 2025.
Have attended a Ravalli County Public High School for at least three (3) Years.
Rated in the top half of your graduating class at the end of the first semester of your graduating year.
Information needed for this application:
Parents' names
Student email address
Phone number
Do you have any relative who is a current member of the GFWC Bitterroot Woman's Club? If so Who?
GPA as of the end of the first semester of your graduating year
Class Rank
Have you received any other scholarships? if so which ones?
List and describe any volunteer activities and community services that you participated in during your time in high school. BE SPECIFIC
List and describe the activities you have participated in during your time in high school include the years in which you participated in these activities. Activities may include school, church and sports
List and describe any job experience you have had during your time in high school.
Describe your future plans and where you intend to use your scholarship if selected.